Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Bored with the election

According to the BBC Election website, there are 22 days to go before the election. I'm getting fed up already, but I am going to vote – that way, I have the right to complain later this year if things aren’t going as I’d hoped for.

And it’s not just me getting fed up with this damned election coverage. Practically everyone that you speak to is fed up with the election at the moment. I appreciate that it is important to understand what the various parties are promising, and how they are going to deal with the issues that are important to people. However, there is such a thing as saturation point.

You turn on the news, and the first ten or more minutes are taken up with the squabbles that the manifesto launches have spawned, followed by the “talking heads” trying to make it sound interesting (and justify the fact that they have a job with the various news organisations!)

Needless to say, it’s getting to the point where I won’t watch the news on the TV, as I am getting really fed up. It boils down to a choice (as far as I can see) of Tory, Tory Lite and Others. The only difference that I can see between Labour & Conservative on some points, is the colour of the rosette that the slimy creature (sorry prospective MP) wears when they come sliming around, asking for you to vote for them.

Again, that’s another sore point for me. You only get to see your MP when there is an election in the offing, and they need to get you to vote for them, so that they can get back on the gravy train.

Now I'm not saying that all politicians are like that – just the majority of them. I know that they hold “surgeries” where they appear to take your concerns seriously (at least while you’re in their office) but how much do they actually do when they get back to Westminster from the rest of the county?

Someone needs to remind these people that there is more to life than the playpen that is Westminster, and that the rest of the UK wants this election over and done with, so that we can get back on with our lives!

Ah well, guess I should get on with some w*rk, instead of blogging…

Back later if I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most