Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Distant rumblings

I’m not a happy little tigger. My insurance company has refused to issue a statement of no-claims, as they said that their system wouldn’t allow them to issue it until such time as the policy had expired.

Thanks a bunch. That means that I can’t insure my car with another insurance company, as they won’t release the statement. Thankfully, the new insurer has said that if I provide them with my policy number, and a contact name, then they can get the confirmation over the ‘phone, and can get the ball rolling for me.

Add into the mixture that I’m in a tremendous amount of pain (and the bloody pain killers aren’t working) and you get one pissed off tigger.

Nevertheless, there is one bright spot – I’ve been able to get my hospital appointment moved from the 23rd of November to the 12th of October.

I pointed out that the consultant had asked to see me in September and that the November appointment was far from convenient. So, amazingly, I was offered an appointment the beginning of October, but that was smack bang in the middle of my holiday.

But that doesn't help me with the pain, so I guess that it means that I shoud go and see my GP to see what they can do to help, as I'm getting really fed up.

Suppose I should get on with some w*rk, but I'm suffering from TNFI...

Back when I get the chance.


Learning to fly, but I don't have wings