Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Well, Smeg.

Not the sort of e-mail that I wanted to receive under any circumstances. My beloved's company has been in trouble for a while, and I received this e-mail from him this morning:

Good morning

Well the state of play today is that we have a team of administrators in with us today. They are here to determine redundancies throughout the company.

We may well be told that we are no longer needed by the end of the week and that we are all redundant. This is all happening as this goes to print as you can guess the atmosphere here is not at all good as this well may be our last day of trading.

God alone knows what the outcome will be. Of course I will let you know how it seems to be panning out as soon as there is anything to say. That is if I can still e-mail from here....

To say I am shaken is an understatement. Ok - I knew that there was a chance that he was going to have to re-apply for his job, but to see it in writing from him just seems to make it all the more real.

All I can do at this moment in time is pray that everything goes ok for him, as it’s not nice to go through this at anytime of year, and on the run up to Christmas just makes it seem all the worst. But as I know that he is capable of pulling thought this, and I have every intention of making sure that his health doesn’t suffer.

Ah well, I guess I should call this quits – I'm nearly at the end of my lunch break – not that I could eat anything.

Back when I get the chance.


Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most