Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Storm Ciara and the boiler

Bloody bad weather has buggered up the boiler.  It tries to start up, then trips the main circuit breaker.

We think that the rain may have gotten in, and keeps extinguishing the pilot light (it's a condensing gas boiler) so it won't fire up.

Just means that Mum and I will have to wrap up in a fleecy blanket, and use the fire in the living room for heat.

Sooner this damned weather clears, the better.  And at least it's not freezing cold.  Just wet and windy!

Not nice, but at least we have power.....

Back when I know what the hell is going on with the boiler.


Waiting for the weather to improve

It's finished....

Well, the relish is finished.  Now all I need to do is put it into a jar.

Finished red onion relish

No fancy jars for me - I prefer the Dowe Egbert coffee jars, as they are the right size (and heat up nicely in the oven).  Plus the tops seal really well...

And after all that, I got one and a bit jars of relish.

Finished relish in jars

So all I have to do now is the cleaning up. Great fun. Not.  But it's worth it.

Back when I have cleaned up.


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Danger - Red Onion relish in progress..

Well, as my partner is at work, I decided to do something creative (and edible).

I'd been thinking about trying my hand at making chutney (pineapple chutney has already been made) and like a twit, forgot to take photos of the process.

So, I decided to make something else (and blog about it!). At least this time it's not as complicated as the chutney was (meaning less bad language during the preparation).  It's just four ingredients:

Red onion x 8
Caster sugar x 100g
Red wine vinegar x 100ml
Red wine x 100ml

Slice the onion, then cook it with the sugar until soft (the recipe I am using is from BBC good food app) and states that it should take about 10 min in a covered pan. (I personally gave it 20 min) them added the wine and the vinegar:

Red onion relish in production

This is still on the hob as I write this, as I am waiting for it to finish reducing and thickening up.

Further updates to follow


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Rocketman... Missed

My mistake. I read Elton John's autobiography when it came out, and really enjoyed it.

I also bought the Elton John biopic, as I'd wanted to see it.

And I wish I had seen the film first.  The best bit was the music. Taran Egerton was very good as Elton, but it was very disjointed.  

If you've seen the film, then read the book.  However, if you've read the book.... Well, don't say that I didn't warn you.


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Dirty Cruise ships

And you tell me that they don't kick out god knows what crap....  If this was a car, I would say that the head gasket had blown....

This was taken from the balcony of my hotel room in Funchal.  And it's P&O Brittania.

And no - this photo hasn't been photo shopped - I was using my phone to take pictures.  I can see why Cannes and Venice get upset.  Thankfully, this stinking thing was a good mile or so away from the hotel (and the wind blew the smoke out to sea!)

Back when I finish coughing.


Getting annoyed in Madeira.