Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

December is coming…

I’ve been promising myself a reward for getting myself back to some semblance of fitness once my back was sorted (after a fashion), and was going to go and see Magnum at KK’s Steel Mill in Wolverhampton for their 50th anniversary / Christmas show…

Only that didn’t quite happen, as one of my friends decided to book it for me…  How do I know this? 

Simples. I got told when I met up with them for my birthday and was given a birthday card... 

OK – nothing unusual in that...  But it contained something I didn’t expect – ticket confirmation for the show on December 10th…

To say that I was speechless was an understatement. That was the last thing I expected, and to be honest, it should be a cracking event. 50th anniversary *and* a Christmas show? 

One of my gig t-shirts will be lovingly dug out of the wardrobe and the Bah Humbug Santa hat will also make an appearance.

After all, it is near Christmas….

Back when I can get over the shock…


Music plays
In my head
Heard that song before
Met some people in my life
But they weren’t the real deal
40 days
40 nights
On that spinning wheel

The monster is back

The monster is back – and has been washed / valeted (something that Arbury used to do as standard on a service – another thing I don’t like about the Banbury stealership). 

The guys who brought the car back were nice enough, but it would have been nice if this had been sorted properly in the first damned place.

Suffice to say once bitten, twice shy. And as I have said, if the monster needs anything doing that is *not* covered under warranty, then it will go to a local garage - one that doesn’t charge premium prices for a less than budget service.

Back later


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey