Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

The wheel bearing explodes

And no – I am not joking. I’ve just had a call from the dealership…

They went to fit the new bearing, and the dratted thing exploded – ball bearings everywhere – all across the workshop. So, the monster is out of service as they need to get the new bearing in and can’t fit it until tomorrow.

This meant I have just had to do my ET bit and call home. Luckily for me, Mum can pick me up, but it means that she will have to be up early tomorrow to drop me off at work.

I am going to be so popular for that… Not.

Ah well, at least they had the decency to call me before I left and travelled down…

Time to call this quits – I need to get ready to escape…

Back tomorrow.


Like a broken wheel keeps turnin’,
You ain’t going nowhere,
Now you’ve gotta heal that burnin’,
Or you ain’t got a prayer,
Like a broken wheel

Relieved isn’t the word

I’ve just had the news I wanted to hear… The monster has passed the MOT. And the nasty knocking? A wheel bearing.

Ok – it could have been worse – I thought I had damaged the front suspension strut on the car, as I dropped the little beastie down a pothole. (Thanks a lot for using my road theft (aka road tax) for road repairs WCC!!)  

So, the dealership – (NOT Arbury I have to say) have got the pattern part on order. A price difference of £200 for not having Peugeot stamped on it (not to mention the delay in getting the things sorted out – ok, one whole day, but £200 is £200…)

And why am I not using Arbury after all this time? Simples. I have changed jobs and can’t trust them not to mess the booking up. After all, it took three attempts for them to sort out a dratted timing belt change for Mum’s car…    

First time, they didn’t let us know that they hadn’t got the part until 07:45 the day of the collection. That didn’t go down well… Second time… They forgot to book the car in, which Mum found out after she called them to ask where the driver was, who was supposed to collect the car from home at 08:30. As it was a 5-hr job (and she called them at 11:30) there was no way they could do the job.  

What really annoyed Mum was being told that there was a booking… For the day that they had called to say the part hadn’t arrived.  

Mum pointed out that she had re-booked the car, only to be asked who she spoke to. Not a good move, as it was the person on the phone who had allegedly booked the car in! 

Third time lucky – but only after Mum let loose with a few well-deserved verbal rockets at the so-called service reception.  

OK – the car is now sorted, but shall we say that Mum is less than impressed with them. As she has one more service courtesy of her service plan, the car will go to them for that, but after that… Arbury is no longer looking after the two family Peugeots.

Which is a shame as I have said. I have had my Peugeots looked after them for the past 18 years, and Mum has had her Peugeots looked after them for rather longer than that… Like about 30 something years.  

So now I shall be letting new engineers look after my little monster… Which is a shame, as the team in the Arbury workshop were really good – it was the service “reception” that let them down. And that will not help them in future, as the old saying goes…

You get good service; you might tell 1 / 2 people about it. Bad service… You tell EVERYONE about it”

And that is what is happening now.

Ah well, time to call this quits – I’m due back from lunch in a few minutes…

Back when I have something else to rant about.


And now it’s time to cross that river
And show your feelings just before you depart
You know it’s real, you must consider
No good remaining, so hold back the tears
Don’t ever give up the fight