Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Getting the Jab

Yep – I’ve had my first dose of the Covid-19 jab.  I’ve had the AZ (Astra Zeneca) variant.  The jab itself was painless – the nurse who did it was very professional, as was the entire team who were administering the jabs.  

I did like the way that the staff went out of their way to reassure those of us who are less than keen on needles, and also made sure that I was aware of the possible side effects.  

The only thing that I will say (more of an observation that anything else) was that the staff trusted people to stay put for the length of time specified.  The gentleman who was telling me about the possible side effects, and things to watch out for, spotted my medic alert, and when when I was asked about it, instantly instructed me to wait 20 minutes after my jab before I could escape.  Thank god for the kindle – I would have gone nuts.

I freely admit that I felt decidedly off on Friday – to the extent where I didn’t think I would be safe enough to drive on Friday night.  That put a dampener on my weekend plans, but my partner was sweet, and said that he didn’t want me driving, as it’s not a short drive to see him.  Ok – it’s not that far (about 40 miles) but it’s on some nasty roads (or I use the M6).  Either way, it meant a weekend at home.

And yes – it was the right thing to do.  I spent yesterday dozing, and was barely able to move my arm (I felt like I had done 15+ rounds with a certain M. Tyson…) And I will admit to being very grateful for the kindle – it meant I could read without having to hold a heavy book in my right hand.    

Today?  I feel brighter than I did – but it still hurts to lie on my left arm, and I am still tired.  But, if it’s a sore / bruised feeling arm, or risking catching this dratted virus…  Give me the sore arm any day.

Ah well, time to call this quits – my eyes are tired and I can hardly stop yawning.

Back when I get the inclination… (or my arm stops hurting!)


You try, yeah, you do your best
But nothing seems to work
You're not like all the rest
When you're the one who hurts
Oh, what a day

Recall sorted and Exhaust Gas Regulator....

Well, the Monster is back, and the recall has been done.  But that didn't clear the error.  No - the annoying little monster did that as I was driving to Arbury this morning.

When I started the car, I got the ping and the warning message (as well as the engine management light on the dashboard.)  OK - I knew about that - it was going to be sorted out.  What I didn't expect was for the damned thing to disappear as I was driving!

So, muttering all sorts of things about the error, I dropped it off to be dealt with by the capable engineers at Arbury, and went shopping with Mum (I'd been smart, and booked the morning off, so I didn't have to rush about like a headless chicken to try to get back to the dining table!)

As we're still in lockdown, it wasn't as if we could head off to Solihull for some retail therapy (to be honest - I've not missed that!)  Instead, it was wildy exotic - off to Morrisons to do the food shopping.  There were some things that we couldn't get, so we headed to Warwick to Tesco to finish off (and I was able to get the obligatory coffee - can't resist Costa coffee...)

We still had time to kill, so we were able to go to a couple of garden centres, and as we were heading back to Leamington, my phone rang.  It was Molly, calling me to let me know that the Monster was out on a road test, and should be ready to collect.

That suited me fine, so Mum and I headed to Arbury, so she could drop me off and head for home with the shopping....  I went in and spoke to Molly who told me the news....  The recall was sorted (software only) but the bad news....  The EGR valve (aka exhaust solenoid) was playing up again.  

Despite the car clearing the error, it had left a record in the ECU so that they could have a look and see what it had recorded.  (Always said the car was plug and pray!)  It turned out that the EGR valve was playing up, so they took it out, cleaned it up and reinstalled in.  

If it throws the same error again (and doesn't go into limp mode - where a snail can overtake you shaking it's little fist at you as it goes past you) - then I have to call Arbury to get it booked in and they will have to sort the EGR.

But, at the end of the day, as long as the little monster runs, I don't mind.  

And time to call it quits - I am fed up with staring at the computer screen.

Back when I get chance...


Write in dust all you say
Look for the answers you know you can trust
One day they might blow away