Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

A Gwyneth Paltrow moment? No chance - I'm not wearing waterproof mascara!

I think the title sums this post up.. I've just got back from the company conference, where I won an award for customer service! I know this sounds really corny, but it was the last thing that I expected!

I was quietly minding my own business (trying not to get caught snoozing) when I heard my name being called, to go and collect this award. I was mortified, and you could have fried eggs on my cheeks.

The award itself was £50 in leisure vouchers, a certificate and a bottle of Moet & Chandon champagne. I was trying not to cry when I was being given the award, and afterwards, my friends and colleagues were joking about me doing a "Gwyenth Paltrow" - i.e. crying all the time I was on the stage.

I also got told that I was too young to drink the champagne, and that I should had it over to "more responsible" persons. Needless to day, the more "responsible" persons got told to "Sod off" as I have every intention of sharing this bottle of champagne with my beloved.

Not that I admitted who I was going to drink it with - all I said was that I was going to drink it with someone who had helped me a great deal over the past year, and without this person's help, I would have gone flat on my face.

Time to call this quits - the adrenaline is starting to wear off, and I need to get some sleep...

Back when my feet can touch the ground and my fingers can touch the keyboard again...


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

Back to the postings...

I've not updated my blog for a while, as I managed to go down with the dreaded flu. It knocked me for six, and ended up causing me to take a week off work. Not really what I wanted to do, especially as I'd got a hospital appointment to get my shoulder sorted out...

The hospital wasn't a bad visit at all, especially as the registrar was a real gent... He said that there was no need for me to go back as there was nothing more that they could do, aside from sending me back for yet more physio - which I found to be beneficial, but I already know (and do) the exercises!

As I'd expected to get a jab in the shoulder, I'd booked the day off as holiday, so Mum and I headed off to Evesham to do some shopping... I got back, only to discover that I needed a sick note as I'd gone sick the week prior to my holiday. Great. That meant a trip to the doctors and £10 for a private sick note.

But, at least I got my day's holiday back, so that means that I can do somehting that I want to do with my holiday...

Suppose I should think about doing some w*rk, but I'm suffering from TNFI - which is as little worrying, as it's only Monday!

Back when I get the chance.


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

Throwing a spanner in the works....

Typical. They say the best laid plans of mice and tiggers have this horrible habit of going astray, and my plans are no different.

I was hoping to talk my beloved into going to Wolverhampton with me to go and see Gary Moore, but we agreed (in principal) to go to Oxford instead as it was closer for the pair of us. The idea was that the pair of us would take the day of the concert off, and then go to the concert in the evening.

Fine in theory. In practice? It sank without a trace, as it turned out that my beloved was supposed to be going to Whitley Bay the following morning and as he said, he didn't want to have to travel on very little sleep.

Needless to say, I'm not too happy, as I was really looking forward to going to see Gary Moore with my beloved, but I'm sure that we'll manage to get away together some time, and I would rather know that he was travelling when he was fully rested...

Suppose I should log off and bog off - I've got to feed the furry fiends...

Back when I get chance.


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

Planning another escape (or four)...

Yes, I'm back to my usual tricks - planning escapes - both with Mum and on my own. The first escape is going to be one on my own - a singer that I like - Gary Moore - is going on tour, and I'm hoping to persuade my beloved to take a day or so to head up to Wolverhampton to go and see him with me.

The other escapes are going to be with Mum - we're going back to Jersey at the end of March for a week, and back to Madeira the end of June for a couple of weeks - but I'll be back in time to get down to Silverstone for the British Grand Prix with my godsprog.

As for other escapes, well, I'll just have to see what heads my way and see where life takes me - but I know that there is another possible escape on the horizon - again, with Mum.

This time, it's another weeding (I mean wedding) - my cousin Alex is getting married the beginning of September in Brighton, so that means I've got to find a decent top to wear with my dark suit - there's no way I'm going to get anything else (like a dress) as I know damned well that I would never wear it again - well voluntarily anyway!!

Ah well, guess I should think about doing some work, but I'm suffering from a sever case of TNFI (totally no ******g interest) - and it's only Tuesday!

Back when I get the chance...


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me

A new year, and fresh hopes

Well, Quentin is on the road to recovery, but is still very ill. Julian did have a New Year celebration - he spent it with Mum, me and a couple of close family friends, as Mum said that there was no way that he was going to spend New Year's eve on his own.

Me? Well I'm not quite sure what this year will bring me - apart from more surprises - especially where my beloved is concerned. But, I'll cross those bridges as and when I come to them - no point in trying to add stress and hassle to my life!

Guess I should call this quits - Jules is ready to head to the hospital to see Quentin, and I said I'd go as well...

Back when I get chance..


I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me