Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Cable cars and a toboggan ride....?

Sunday was a day for Mum and myself to get the last bits and pieces sorted out, and think about packing, ready to leave for Birmingham on the Monday morning.

Mum and I decided that we would head up on the cable car to Monte, so we could have a look around, and possibly go around Monte Palace Gardens.

Again, the pictures that I took were the ones that my dratted camera wiped off, and it annoys me intensely, knowing what a spectacular view it was, going up to Monte. We'd only bought a one way ticket, as I was hoping that I was going to be able to talk Mum into going down the hill with me.

That had to be put on hold, as Mum wasn't fit enough to endure the bumping that the trip was going to involve. So, we opted for a drink at the cable car station, and talked about the things that we needed to sort out before we flew home.

It wasn't that much, as we agreed that we would pick up the last little bits and pieces at the airport if necessary, and that the rest of the day, we were going to spend by the pool!

Time to call this quits - my eyes are getting heavy.

Back tomorrow.


Learning to fly, but I don't have wings