Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Sorry for not updating my blog... But I’ve got a good excuse!

I guess the title of this entry says it all. There hasn’t been much happening in my life – I wake up, go to work, deal with people I like and dislike, come home, have dinner and crash out asleep.

But that changed on Friday, when Flame decided to throw me off, because she’d got a sore back – something I didn’t know about until I got the vet to have a look at her.

When I came off Flame, I landed on my back. Ok, as I’ve said in the past, when I ride any horse, I wear my body armour – but that doesn’t protect you from the instinct to put an arm out to cushion the fall.

Me being my normal self, put my right arm out to protect my back and lessen the impact, and felt a slight pull in the shoulder… I didn’t think too much about being thrown off and bits ached, but there was nothing drastic for me to worry about – or so I thought…

The real fun and games started over the weekend, when Mum decided that the best option was for her to drive, as my shoulder was giving me problems, and I’d agreed that the best course of action was to go and see my GP (General Practitioner – also known as the family doctor) if things hadn’t improved by Thursday…

Or rather that was the plan. I was at my desk on Tuesday, and reached slightly awkwardly to get a rather heavy file from the other side of my desk, when I felt the familiar, horrible tearing sensation in my shoulder.

I could have cheerfully screamed and passed out, but somehow managed to complete the call I was on, before going green. I took two 500mg paracetamol tablets, in the vain hope that they would quieten things down, but they didn’t even come close to touching the pain.

It got to the stage when I ended up leaving early, as I’d been lucky enough to get an emergency appointment with my GP and went to pick Mum up from work, as we’d travelled in together, and I’d been the one to drive!

Thankfully, Mum was happy(ish) to drive my car in order to get me to the doctors’ surgery, and said that if I was going to have to go to Warwick hospital for x-rays, she wanted to make a detour home and collect her car, which had her glasses in, and more to the point, she was fully insured driving it – my car is only covered 3rd party insurance for her to drive!

I was called into see the doctor on time, and he examined my shoulder and reviewed my notes from the previous visits for my shoulder. He said that he couldn’t see that there was any need for me to go for any x-rays (YES!) as he said:

If you have any more x-rays, I think your shoulder may drop off or you’ll glow in the dark

I was also told to take yesterday (Wednesday) off, and that I was to use my own discretion about returning to work, and if I was still in pain on Friday, then I was to make an appointment for Monday, and get the shoulder join re-checked.

So, as I type this, I’m seated at my home computer, with my right arm immobilised in a sling again, and am drugged up to the eyeballs on various pain killers, trying to lead some semblance of a normal life.

As I said in a message to one of my colleagues yesterday, when she asked how I was feeling:

….. The painkillers take the edge off things, but I still feel very woolly headed – more than normal!

And add to that, the mere fact that I’ve managed about 6 hours sleep in the past 48 hours, and you can see why I’ve opted to take these past two days off. But that doesn’t stop me feeling guilty because I feel that I’ve dropped my colleagues in the brown smelly stuff, as there is an awful lot of stuff that I am responsible for, apart from doing my obligatory mickey taking!

I guess that there is a positive side – I’ve been able to watch a couple of really good films – Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element and Will Smith in I, Robot. Both were films that I’d bought, but never had chance to sit and watch.

But, being off work, and refusing to watch the crap that masquerades as daytime television, it gave me a damned good excuse to get as comfortable as possible, get the cats settled and watch the films without interruption. (I’d turned my mobile phone off!)

Time to go and spray my shoulder again (yes – it does help being a partial contortionist – especially as I’ve failed in my attempts to train either cat to use an aerosol for me!) Then I’m going to settle down and watch The Mothman Prophecies – with Richard Gere. He’s not an actor I normally like, but from what I’ve been told, it’s a damned good film...

Back when I get chance, and hopefully, I’ll be feeling brighter…


Don’t let the b’stards get you down.