Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Working from home (part 2)

 Well, I’m back at home, due to the new lockdown that was announced on Saturday night.  The office is closing from tomorrow night, so I’ve had to make sure that I have everything I need at home.  

That’s not an issue – apart from me being an idiot and not plugging the headphones into the laptop (they were plugged into the monitor), and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.

Once I’d realised what I’d done (and finished feeling like an idiot) I was up and running.  EE must have done some serious network improvements, as I’ve not had to curse the dongle once.  Which is a miracle.  

Ok – I’ll rephrase that.  I only cursed whilst my dratted laptop decided to do an update this morning, meaning that I was late logging on to the system. OK – not an issue…  

Or I thought it wasn’t….  Until I realised that I couldn’t use the phone.  Or log into part of the system where I keep files that I need to get access to.

So, one call to the IT helpdesk, and the issue with the cloud storage was sorted.  The phone side was sorted by emailing a colleague who is already working from home, and they managed to help me sort the settings, so that was nice and easy.  What I didn’t realise was that I would end up feeling…... Numb.

 I didn’t realise just how much I enjoy being in the office – despite all my grumps about my colleagues – it’s a good laugh with them as it means we can bounce things off each other, especially if one of us gets stuck with something that we have no idea about.  

OK – on the plus side, I have the view of the garden, and no travelling, meaning a decent lie in in the morning, and no fighting my way through the traffic to the office, and contending with 4x4 with only one child in going to the private school!

 But on the downside?  It’s the human need for companionship.  Now I am the first to admit I am an antisocial so-and-so at the best of times,  but there is something comforting about being part of a group…  But I know I’ll get over this, and knowing me, will probably resent the fact that I have to go back into the office after this lock down.

Ah well, time to log off and join family.  I shall be spending enough time staring at this damned screen for the next four weeks or so...

Back soon.


Another lockdown

The PM has finally confirmed what the papers had been saying yesterday.  We go back into lockdown on Thursday.

Only this time, it's not a complete lockdown - I can (at the moment) go into the office as I cannot work from home.

Whether the office remains open is another matter.  It depends very much on the decision of the leadership team, and if they decide to close the office, then I am stuck.

Not because I don't have a laptop (I do - hateful thing) but because I am one of those rare people who don't have broadband at home.

Ok - I have been given a WiFi dongle that should (in theory) allow me to work at home... But because it's on a network that is hopeless where I live, I might as well use it as a doorstop.

So, if they decide to close the office, I am stuck.  It means getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning to get as much work done as I can before the system kicks me off, and then working in the evening to make sure that I get my hours in.

And that's not the only thing that is going to cause a problem.  The lockdown also includes restrictions on so-called non-essential travel.  Ok, I can understand that.  But you can travel for work or to go to your support bubble.

Now my support bubble is with my partner.  Who lives about 50 miles away from my home.  So I can see that causing issues with the police as they would be within their rights (as I understand the rules) to stop me and ask why / where I am travelling to.  

Knowing my luck, they wouldn't believe me that I was going to be with my support bubble, so this may be the last weekend I can spend with my partner until the lockdown is over and done with.

So, I am going to make the most of today, as it may be a few weeks before I can see my partner again.

Back when I get chance.


Making the most of today

A new phone has arrived

 And I didn’t expect to have to replace my Motorola G7 Play as fast.  But it’s gotten to the stage where I can’t trust the damned thing *not* to die as it says that the battery is depleted.  Yet when I power it back on, it seems to miraculously have about 50% left in the battery – not impressed at all.

So, I decided to do some research and find myself a phone that:

1. Wasn’t an iPhone – I don’t want to use the Apple software as all my apps are on Android.

2. Didn’t cost stupid money – some phones were very high three figure sums (and I have a habit of dropping phones – either into the bath, or onto the tiled floor in the kitchen...)

3. Wasn’t so small that I need a magnifying glass to see the buttons.

4. Has a decent battery life (preferably one that doesn’t die after about 20 minutes usage)

5. Has a good internal memory – so many apps (and their relevant updates) take a lot of space, and you soon run out even with 32GB internal memory.

So, taking all this into consideration, I have opted for a Nokia.  And it’s huge.  It’s the Nokia 5.3 – with a huge screen, and a good internal memory – plus the option to add extra storage via a micro SD card.  The only “downside” is trying to get the updates done on the phone, and then adding all the apps to the phone.  

Stuff that I use on a daily basis (not to mention the NHS COVID-19 app – there are quite a few places that require you to scan the QR code to check in).  I also have to buy a new case.  Which is a shame, as I like the one that I have for the G7.  It’s got an Anne Stokes image on it:

Can I find one for the Nokia?  Can I hell.  So, I've opted for something slightly different:

So I am not too unhappy - it's a nice case, and stands out from the normal black cases - and it has enough space to keep the necessary pass cards in, so I don't have to wear a lanyard with my security stuff - I hate lanyards!

Ah well, guess I'd better call this quits - I need to go and sort my flight bag ready for tomorrow - I'm away for the weekend.

Back whenever,


I will decide myself
No chains on me
Oh, ain't no chains on me
I will decide myself
I am set free

That venue is cursed…

Yet again my plans to see Magnum at Birmingham Town Hall have been changed.  This time, it’s COVID-19 that has scuppered it.

The band have released the following statement:

As most of you have presumably noticed by now, this year continues to be more than a bit rubbish.  So this announcement won’t exactly come as a surprise.

The decision has been made that most of the shows planned for November, December and February are again being rescheduled - to September/October 2021.  These are the Scandinavian, Dutch, UK and Irish shows.  This is of course 100% beyond the band’s control, and we’re all very disappointed and frustrated with the ongoing situation.

All tickets will remain valid and will be automatically transferred over to the new date.  If you instead require a refund please get in touch with your ticket supplier.  Unfortunately the shows in Hull and Exeter will not be going ahead at all.  Please contact your ticket supplier if you have tickets for these shows.

Please note there is also a change of venue for the Birmingham show: this will now be taking place at The Symphony Hall.  Tickets will be available from 10:00am Friday 2 October 2020. If you have already purchased tickets for the Town Hall, please wait to be contacted by your ticket supplier for the specific details of the venue change.  Your booking will be automatically transferred to the new performance, with your tickets located in like-for-like seats.   

Announcements for other dates will follow in due course.

The live events industry as a whole is suffering a great deal, but Magnum will be back as soon as we are able.  In the meantime we ask everyone to stay patient, stay safe, keep loving music and maybe buy an extra t-shirt if you can!

The band has been back in the studio during this extended hiatus, and we hope to bring you more positive news soon.

Rescheduled dates 2021:

05 Sep 2021                De Pul                              Uden                NL
07 Sep 2021                Fryshuset Klubben          Stockholm         S
08 Sep 2021                Vulkan                             Oslo                  N
09 Sep 2021                Folkets Park                    Huskvarna        S
10 Sep 2021                Pustervik                         Gothenburg       S
11 Sep 2021                Nojesfabriken                  Karlstad            S
13 Sep 2021                Babel                               Malmo              S
16 Sep 2021                Rock City                         Nottingham      UK
17 Sep 2021                Leadmill                           Sheffield          UK
19 Sep 2021                Waterfront                       Norwich            UK
20 Sep 2021                Assembly Hall                 Islington           UK
21 Sep 2021                Engine Rooms                Southampton    UK
22 Sep 2021                Tramshed                        Cardiff              UK
24 Sep 2021                Academy 2                      Manchester      UK
25 Sep 2021                Picturedrome                  Holmfirth           UK
27 Sep 2021                Symphony HalL             Birmingham     UK
29 Sep 2021                Junction                           Cambridge       UK
30 Sep 2021                Garage                            Glasgow           UK
02 Oct 2021                 Voodoo Lounge              Dublin               IE
03 Oct 2021                 Limelight 1                      Belfast              UK  

It’s almost as if the music gods don’t want me to see them at the Town Hall…  But if I am honest, I am not surprised, as this year has been pretty screwed up due to the damned virus…

So, I have something to look forward to next year..

Guess I'd better call this quits - time to home..


I can hear them calling
Hear the crowd applauding
If it's real I like the feeling
If I'm wrong who am I deceiving?

Taking more responsibilities…

Well, I feel like I have been thrown in at the deep end – with a pair of concrete shoes.  Simply because I have been asked to take over a load of the work that one of my colleagues in the playpen does, whilst they are on secondment to another department.

I don’t mind, as I deal (or have dealt) with the stuff in the past – there is only one thing that has changed since I went near it, and there is a manual for me to have a read of.  It just means that I have to raise my game, but since I was put out to pasture (AKA furlough) I am in a better place mentally when it comes to my work.  

Partly because I am meditating and partly because I have started to listen to Classic FM on my headphones.  Yes – I can still do my job, but I am isolated from the noise and the distractions in the office and people that I don’t want to speak to.

Nasty as this sounds, I am more than happy to be in the corner – away from everyone, so that I can get on with my work - and be left alone to work in peace and quiet.  Whether that stays that way remains to be seen..

Guess I’d better call it quits – my poor little phone is making pathetic beeping noises again.

Back when I get chance..


Different worlds
Only a walk across the street
Different worlds
You never know what you might meet