Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Car Troubles - part 3

I thought that today would be a good day, as Monster started this morning without any issues.  Should have guessed that it was too good to be true.

I did manage to get a few bits done, as in I managed to get my partner over to pick his car up this morning, and then sorted out a few bits of shopping - including Christmas dinner.

Instead of the usual turkey, we've opted for rib of beef.  Simply because it's not something that we have very often (once a year), and it gives us leftovers that we can use for cold cuts.

That went ok...  Until we got back to the Monster and I was just pulling out of the car park... Then PING!  The engine management light came on and I got a warning message saying "Engine fault - have the engine repaired".

So, once I'd gotten over the nasty shock (I genuinely thought that Monster was sorted out) we drove straight to the car spares store.  Who were superstars, and changed the battery.  Again.  (Albeit with several jokes that the guarantee was for 24 months, not 24 hours!)

They checked the battery, and it was holding a healthy charge, so decided to take it step by step to see what was causing the dashboard to light up like a Christmas tree.

So, I turned off the media screen, the climate control and the headlights.  Then, turned on the headlights.  Nope.  Not a flicker from the dashboard.  So, it was time to turn on the media screen.  Again, not a flicker from the dashboard.  Then it was the climate control...  Not a flicker for a couple of seconds...  

Then the warning lights kicked in when the big fan cut in.  And when it cut out?  The dashboard lights disappeared.  So, in light of this,  I now have the car booked in to Arbury next Wednesday for investigation work.

The only drawback to the damned issue was the fact that I had head back home quite a bit earlier than I was planning as my partner didn't want me to have to travel home in the pitch dark.

I didn't disagree, and headed off home, and Monster behaved well, until I got to the junction with the A45...  Then the service light and engine management light came on.

I will admit to shedding a few tears when this happened, as I was still about 10 miles from home, but Monster pulled through, and got me home.

So, as I sit at home, I freely admit that I miss my beloved partner like hell, and cannot wait to see him again on Saturday.

He's been sweet enough to say that he will drive to Darkest Warwickshire to pick me up, so that we can spend a few more days together.  And I will be taking his birthday presents up with me, as I have a horrible feeling that come January, we may well be back in lockdown.

Ah well, time to call it quits - I'm falling asleep.

Back later...


And now it’s time to cross that river
And show your feelings just before you depart
You know it’s real, you must consider
No good remaining, so hold back the tears
Don’t ever give up the fight

Danger - Mango chutney in progress

I've wanted to make Mango chutney for ages.  So, as I have some time off, I decided to make it.  And this time, I've taken photos of the process!

First, prepare the mangoes, onion, garlic, apples and peel the root ginger:

Then, in the preserving pan, dissolve the sugar in the vinegar:

Once it's dissolved, grate the root ginger into the sweetened vinegar and stir:

Then add everything else:

Then bring to the boil:

Once the mixture has begun to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about an hour or until the liquid has evaporated and the chutney begins to thicken..

Still simmering.....

It's now been simmering for about 40 minutes...

Nearly time to jar it....

Now jared...

So all it needs to do is cool down so I can put lids on and label the chutney.

So now time to chill...

Back soon.


Now I feel better
Thank you for the day
For the day
We'll last forever
Thank you for the day
For the day