Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Working from home (part 2)

 Well, I’m back at home, due to the new lockdown that was announced on Saturday night.  The office is closing from tomorrow night, so I’ve had to make sure that I have everything I need at home.  

That’s not an issue – apart from me being an idiot and not plugging the headphones into the laptop (they were plugged into the monitor), and wondering why I couldn’t hear anything.

Once I’d realised what I’d done (and finished feeling like an idiot) I was up and running.  EE must have done some serious network improvements, as I’ve not had to curse the dongle once.  Which is a miracle.  

Ok – I’ll rephrase that.  I only cursed whilst my dratted laptop decided to do an update this morning, meaning that I was late logging on to the system. OK – not an issue…  

Or I thought it wasn’t….  Until I realised that I couldn’t use the phone.  Or log into part of the system where I keep files that I need to get access to.

So, one call to the IT helpdesk, and the issue with the cloud storage was sorted.  The phone side was sorted by emailing a colleague who is already working from home, and they managed to help me sort the settings, so that was nice and easy.  What I didn’t realise was that I would end up feeling…... Numb.

 I didn’t realise just how much I enjoy being in the office – despite all my grumps about my colleagues – it’s a good laugh with them as it means we can bounce things off each other, especially if one of us gets stuck with something that we have no idea about.  

OK – on the plus side, I have the view of the garden, and no travelling, meaning a decent lie in in the morning, and no fighting my way through the traffic to the office, and contending with 4x4 with only one child in going to the private school!

 But on the downside?  It’s the human need for companionship.  Now I am the first to admit I am an antisocial so-and-so at the best of times,  but there is something comforting about being part of a group…  But I know I’ll get over this, and knowing me, will probably resent the fact that I have to go back into the office after this lock down.

Ah well, time to log off and join family.  I shall be spending enough time staring at this damned screen for the next four weeks or so...

Back soon.


Another lockdown

The PM has finally confirmed what the papers had been saying yesterday.  We go back into lockdown on Thursday.

Only this time, it's not a complete lockdown - I can (at the moment) go into the office as I cannot work from home.

Whether the office remains open is another matter.  It depends very much on the decision of the leadership team, and if they decide to close the office, then I am stuck.

Not because I don't have a laptop (I do - hateful thing) but because I am one of those rare people who don't have broadband at home.

Ok - I have been given a WiFi dongle that should (in theory) allow me to work at home... But because it's on a network that is hopeless where I live, I might as well use it as a doorstop.

So, if they decide to close the office, I am stuck.  It means getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning to get as much work done as I can before the system kicks me off, and then working in the evening to make sure that I get my hours in.

And that's not the only thing that is going to cause a problem.  The lockdown also includes restrictions on so-called non-essential travel.  Ok, I can understand that.  But you can travel for work or to go to your support bubble.

Now my support bubble is with my partner.  Who lives about 50 miles away from my home.  So I can see that causing issues with the police as they would be within their rights (as I understand the rules) to stop me and ask why / where I am travelling to.  

Knowing my luck, they wouldn't believe me that I was going to be with my support bubble, so this may be the last weekend I can spend with my partner until the lockdown is over and done with.

So, I am going to make the most of today, as it may be a few weeks before I can see my partner again.

Back when I get chance.


Making the most of today