Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

The condemned boiler...

Well, Storm Dennis did for the boiler what Storm Ciara couldn't.  It finished the boiler off.  But, in fairness to the boiler, it was old - nearly 30 years old to be honest, so it didn't really owe us anything...

Mum called British Gas today to have a look, and the engineer opened the boiler case, and it was flooded.  So, it was kaput, and the gas has been turned off at the meter, as the heating was the only thing that ran on gas.

It also has a large sticker on the case:

So, we now have the "fun" of getting a replacement boiler.  And the problem is, Mum and I don't have the foggiest what to go for.  We're looking at a combi boiler, but to be honest?  Neither of us have any idea what size or anything else to go for...

Ah well, time to call this quits - my fingers are getting cold, so I'm off to toast by the fire.

Back when I know what is happening with the heating...


Frozen in Darkest Warwickshire

Storm Ciara and the boiler

Bloody bad weather has buggered up the boiler.  It tries to start up, then trips the main circuit breaker.

We think that the rain may have gotten in, and keeps extinguishing the pilot light (it's a condensing gas boiler) so it won't fire up.

Just means that Mum and I will have to wrap up in a fleecy blanket, and use the fire in the living room for heat.

Sooner this damned weather clears, the better.  And at least it's not freezing cold.  Just wet and windy!

Not nice, but at least we have power.....

Back when I know what the hell is going on with the boiler.


Waiting for the weather to improve