Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

A Christmas display, and more plants.

Not something that I usually like to admit... But this display at Melbicks Garden Centre really caught my eye...

Unusually for me, I really liked the displays.  They weren't the usual artificial trees loaded with decorations that they were trying to sell - although they were there.

And yes - as usual, I "rescued" two more carnivorous plants - Sarracenia hybrids.  The best bit (for me) was the fact that they were reduced - as in well under half price, and had a reasonable chance of survival.

So, I have now placed them in a tray of rainwater in their usual winter quarters (an unheated greenhouse) so that I can acclimatise them to "normal" growing conditions ready for planting outside in the spring.  Then they can munch the local insect population to their heart's (and pitchers) content....

Ah well, I need to make sure that the rest of the monsters are ok - winter is coming and I need to ensure that they are protected enough to go through the colder months ready for spring.

Back later...


See the night sky super nova
Chase the cold moon passing over
Start the dragon's fire to smoulder
On a storyteller's night

December is coming…

I’ve been promising myself a reward for getting myself back to some semblance of fitness once my back was sorted (after a fashion), and was going to go and see Magnum at KK’s Steel Mill in Wolverhampton for their 50th anniversary / Christmas show…

Only that didn’t quite happen, as one of my friends decided to book it for me…  How do I know this? 

Simples. I got told when I met up with them for my birthday and was given a birthday card... 

OK – nothing unusual in that...  But it contained something I didn’t expect – ticket confirmation for the show on December 10th…

To say that I was speechless was an understatement. That was the last thing I expected, and to be honest, it should be a cracking event. 50th anniversary *and* a Christmas show? 

One of my gig t-shirts will be lovingly dug out of the wardrobe and the Bah Humbug Santa hat will also make an appearance.

After all, it is near Christmas….

Back when I can get over the shock…


Music plays
In my head
Heard that song before
Met some people in my life
But they weren’t the real deal
40 days
40 nights
On that spinning wheel

The monster is back

The monster is back – and has been washed / valeted (something that Arbury used to do as standard on a service – another thing I don’t like about the Banbury stealership). 

The guys who brought the car back were nice enough, but it would have been nice if this had been sorted properly in the first damned place.

Suffice to say once bitten, twice shy. And as I have said, if the monster needs anything doing that is *not* covered under warranty, then it will go to a local garage - one that doesn’t charge premium prices for a less than budget service.

Back later


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey

Waiting for the monster. Again

Well, the little monster is back with the dealership to sort out the screw up with the ABS sensor – that they caused. And driving into work, I found something else the ABS sensor damage had messed up – my cruise control.

I have to admit that I am starting to wonder if the extortionate price that the stealership (sorry – dealership – no – I was right first time) is really worth it. 

I'm supposed get the best service as the car has gone back to the stealership where the technicians allegedly know what they are doing. If that’s the case, then how the hell did they miss that the wheel bearing hub was damaged, and then damage the ABS sensor?

Now all I have to do is see if they keep to their agreement to get the car back to me this afternoon – Mum has her COVID-19 booster this afternoon at 16:15, so it will be a bit of a rush if she has to head to Banbury because those bunch of jokers messed up.  Again. 

Equally, if I had known how bad the stealership was here in Banbury, I would have bitten my tongue and stuck with Arbury – even if the service “reception” leaves a lot to be desired.

But, I have 12 months before the little monster needs servicing again, and if it *does* need any work – I will find somewhere else to do it – I am *not* risking my little monster being off the road for 5 days again. 

If this had been a 1-day job (ignore the initial part failure – that happens) I wouldn’t be as angry as I am. But this has turned into a complete fiasco due to some idiot not doing the job properly – and I paid top price to get the “expertise” that is allegedly offered by a Peugeot dealership.

Time to call this quits – I am due off my lunch in a couple of minutes and need to rinse my mug out.

Back later


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey