Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Wildlife in the garden

Living in Darkest Warwickshire has its advantages...  Especially when I see things like this in the garden...

Considering the ground feeder is about 6 feet away from the house, the pheasant didn't seem worried that I was sitting in the conservatory taking photos.

But that's not the only visitor to the bird table....  We have had a family of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers coming in.  Not been able to get a photo of the adult female, but I have been able to get photos of the male fledgling....

Ah well, guess I'd better put my phone on charge - poor little thing is bleeping at me again...

Back when I get chance.


Well, it's a brand new morning
And it's the start of your new life
Yeah, it's a brand new morning
You'd better try and get it right
Brand new morning
You've been awake since early light
Brand new morning
So spread your wings and you'll take flight