Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

It's finished....

Well, the relish is finished.  Now all I need to do is put it into a jar.

Finished red onion relish

No fancy jars for me - I prefer the Dowe Egbert coffee jars, as they are the right size (and heat up nicely in the oven).  Plus the tops seal really well...

And after all that, I got one and a bit jars of relish.

Finished relish in jars

So all I have to do now is the cleaning up. Great fun. Not.  But it's worth it.

Back when I have cleaned up.


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Danger - Red Onion relish in progress..

Well, as my partner is at work, I decided to do something creative (and edible).

I'd been thinking about trying my hand at making chutney (pineapple chutney has already been made) and like a twit, forgot to take photos of the process.

So, I decided to make something else (and blog about it!). At least this time it's not as complicated as the chutney was (meaning less bad language during the preparation).  It's just four ingredients:

Red onion x 8
Caster sugar x 100g
Red wine vinegar x 100ml
Red wine x 100ml

Slice the onion, then cook it with the sugar until soft (the recipe I am using is from BBC good food app) and states that it should take about 10 min in a covered pan. (I personally gave it 20 min) them added the wine and the vinegar:

Red onion relish in production

This is still on the hob as I write this, as I am waiting for it to finish reducing and thickening up.

Further updates to follow


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Rocketman... Missed

My mistake. I read Elton John's autobiography when it came out, and really enjoyed it.

I also bought the Elton John biopic, as I'd wanted to see it.

And I wish I had seen the film first.  The best bit was the music. Taran Egerton was very good as Elton, but it was very disjointed.  

If you've seen the film, then read the book.  However, if you've read the book.... Well, don't say that I didn't warn you.


Hold on, there's a new way a-coming
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice

Dirty Cruise ships

And you tell me that they don't kick out god knows what crap....  If this was a car, I would say that the head gasket had blown....

This was taken from the balcony of my hotel room in Funchal.  And it's P&O Brittania.

And no - this photo hasn't been photo shopped - I was using my phone to take pictures.  I can see why Cannes and Venice get upset.  Thankfully, this stinking thing was a good mile or so away from the hotel (and the wind blew the smoke out to sea!)

Back when I finish coughing.


Getting annoyed in Madeira.

Damn car

And this time, it's not mine that's playing up.  It's my partner's car.

He bought a nice looking Audi A4 estate, but it's got problems.  It sounds like the the instrument cluster talks to the ECU, and completes the circuit allowing the system to tell the little plug in fault reader to tell you what the issue(s) are.

But, what isn't common knowledge is that the dratted instrument cluster can be "fried" by jump starting the car.

So, he's stuck between a rock and a hard place.  Replace the instrument cluster, and then hope that the damned car decides to play ball and show the error codes, or run the car until the MOT runs out, then have the "fun" of selling it for spares or repair.

So we are now desperately trying to find a company to fix it, preferably without costing more than the car is worth....

So, I am now off to find a company that can sort this damned dahsboard out.

Back when I get chance....


To the spirit that guides you, follow it through
To the spirit inside you, always be true
You know you'll despair
If the spirit inside you is used without care

Summertime – and I’m back on the Road to Eternity

I know that I have posted from the gig, but this post has all the background...  So please bear with me!

As the title suggest, I went to see Magnum on their summer Long Road To Eternity tour.  This time, it involved travelling to Warrington, as my partner decided that he didn’t fancy going to see them in Stoke on Trent. 

I suspect this was because it was at the start of the tour, and was on a Tuesday night, whereas the Warrington gig was the penultimate stop, and was on a Thursday night, meaning that we could both take the Thursday and Friday off to make a nice break for the pair of us.

We travelled up on the A-roads, as my partner isn’t keen on motorway driving, and the M6 by Stoke on Trent was buggered as per normal.  There seems to be something about that piece of motorway that encourages accidents – if there is a problem, it’s normally on that stretch.

The only slight drawback was trying to find somewhere for lunch.  The first place we stopped was by Trentham Gardens – the Harvester called the Poacher’s Rest.  Well, it was struck off the list to stop for three reasons:

  • It was warmer outside that it was inside – they had the air conditioning set to polar levels
  • It was expensive – even on the so-called lunchtime specials – not to mention that neither of us liked the “options” on the lunchtime menu.
  • The choice of Real Ales - three if you were lucky.

Needless to say, we only stopped long enough for a quick drink and a comfort stop before hitting the road to Warrington.  It wasn’t a bad run – apart from the fact that it was lashing it down with rain.  Not fun to drive in, and I freely admit to being grateful I wasn’t driving.

About 3pm, we struck really lucky.  We spotted a pub that looked half decent, and stopped for a rather late lunch.  

My partner had his reservations, as it did look expensive, but a quick check on the Google reviews  decided it for me – it was worth taking a chance on. (What did we do before Google?   And the pub is called the Spring Brook)

We had a drink, and looked at the lunchtime menu – it ran from 12:00 to 17:00, so we were in luck.  I’d already decided that I was going to have the bacon cheese burger.  

My partner did the same, only he decided that he wanted his as a double, on the grounds that it was late, and he didn’t really want to try and find somewhere to eat in Warrington before the gig.  That struck me as a good idea, so I opted for the same thing.

So, for £13, we had two burgers that needed planning permission, with beer battered onion rings and chips.  It was well worth it – the burgers were juicy, the bacon was back bacon and crispy on the edges the way I like it, and mature cheddar.

As luck would have it, we were only a few miles away from our overnight stop in Stretton.  I’d taken a chance and booked a B&B – The School House.

It was only a small B & B – 4 rooms, but boy, did I strike lucky on this one.  The rooms are named for different subjects – English, Science, Maths and History – logical I suppose as it was an old school.

We arrived, and were warmly greeted by Garry, who showed us to our room, and advised on the best taxi company to use to take us into Warrington.

He suggested breakfast, and as I hadn’t booked on the grounds that I wasn’t sure if my partner would be interested, we took him up on the offer.

Whilst my partner got the flight bags out of the car, I sorted out the breakfast with Helen, and then made my way to the room.

We’d been given the History room – which was a real surprise.  It was really spacious, with plenty of space for the pair of us to hang the t-shirts that we had bought with us.

The towels weren’t the usual mean, thin little scraps that I’ve experienced in UK hotels before – these were big and fluffy – and just right to dry my hair with.  And, as an added surprise, there were little bars of soap – perfect if you hadn’t got your own toiletries with you.

We decided to have drink in the local pub before we got ready for the gig, and walked across to the Cat & Lion.  From the outside, it looked rather attractive, but looks as they say, can be deceiving…

Given that this pub had a Premier Inn attached to it, I would have expected it to look better.  In fact, if I was staying at the Premier Inn, I would be looking for somewhere else to eat.  It looked… Tired for want of a politer description.

Thankfully, we’d already eaten, and I had spotted a pool table….  We (or rather I) decided that we could have a couple of games whilst we had a drink (or two)…  That didn’t really go to plan, as the “real ale” according to my partner was as gassy as a pint of lager, and the Kraken black rum?

That tasted off as well – it was too sweet, almost as if it had a sweeter spirit added to it.  I tried the Lambs Navy rum, thinking that would be better, but that definitely tasted “wrong” to me.  Again, it was like someone had put a cheaper spirit in the Lambs bottle.

Needless to say, neither of us were too keen, and we quickly headed back to the B & B to get ready for the gig…

The shower was really good, and made me feel brighter – just ready for the gig.  We booked the taxi for 18:00 from the Cat & Lion, as it would be easier for the driver to collect us from there.

Amazingly the driver was early, and we quickly finished our drinks (I was daft and tried another rum – not good) and headed into Warrington.

The driver was really helpful, and told us that the best option to get a cab back to Stretton was to walk to the office – which was a two minute walk away from the Parr Hall.

We got to the Parr Hall, and they weren’t letting anyone in until 19:30 when the doors opened.  That meant we had nearly two hours to kill before we could go in.

As we had already eaten, the Italian place that we had been told about was San Lorenzo.  The same restaurant chain that is in London, and favoured by the super rich in Kensington….

So, we opted for a bar near by – Las Ramblas wine and tapas bar.  Not the sort of place that I would have normally chosen, but there were quite a few Magnum fans in there, so it made for a reasonable atmosphere.

You could almost see the regulars having a hissy fit at the influx of rock fans, and I heard several snarky comments made about the number of us being in there – as if we lowering the tone of the place.  I muttered something about it being a case of “all lace curtains and no knickers” .

It was expensive - £12 for four bottles of beer.  Ok – it was Estrella Galicia, but no way was it worth that.  But there were some good laughs though with other Magnum fans, and when we saw the queue for the Parr Hall starting to move, we joined it.

I think the Parr Hall missed a good chance to make some serious money – the bars were heaving as we got in, and my partner was a real sweetie – he went and got me a drink, whilst I went to get myself the obligatory (for me) tour t-shirt.

Now I had been somewhat devious, and bought a limited edition vinyl copy of Chase the Dragon – the first Magnum album that my partner bought – and it was the one that got me into the group. 

It was an anniversary present – we’ve been together for three years, and  I hoped to get it signed by the two original members of the band, when they came down after the gig..  Only to be told that they weren’t planning on doing an appearance after the gig.

Well, I was determined to get Bob Cately and Tony Clarkin to sign it, so kept my plans quiet when I joined my partner in the bar.  As luck would have it, my partner went to watch the support act, and I said I was off to the ladies…  And off I slipped.

I asked for a favour from one of the band’s support team (who shall remain nameless), but they have my gratitude for the help in getting Bob and Tony’s autograph on the album cover.

So, having had Bob and Tony sign my album, I went back to the bar.  My partner was relieved to see me, as he had been worried about me – he didn’t think to look for me in the foyer.  Good thing he didn’t otherwise he would have spoilt the surprise….

The look on his face was priceless when he realised what I had managed to do.  He was so happy, and decided that he was going to frame the album, as he hadn’t realised that my plan was to get the two original members of the band to sign it for me.

So once I had secured the album back into my bag, it was time to wriggle my way to the front.  My partner didn’t expect to get anywhere near the front, but me being small, I decided to see how close I could get…

And the answer?  Right at the front – second row to be exact.  Being small certainly helps at times, as people were quite happy – I was told by one fan that he didn’t mind me being in front, as he could see over me, and could also take photos over me.

The set list was pretty good as well – again, some songs that I still am not familiar with:

1. Wild Swan
2. Sacred Blood “Divine” Lies
3. Lost On The Road to Eternity
4. Crazy Old Mothers
5. Your Dreams Won’t Die
6. How Far Jerusalem
7. Les Morts Dansant
8. Show Me Your Hands
9. All England’s Eyes
10. Vigilante
11. Don’t Wake The Lion (Too Old To Die Young)
12. The Spirit

You could see that the band were enjoying themselves – the massive smiles on Al and Tony’s faces were something of a giveaway…

And again, during the guitar solo on Don’t Wake The Lion (Too Old To Die Young), you could see that Tony was enjoying being the centre of attention for once…

I think one of my favourite photos is this one:

But this one comes a very close second:

Some of the photos I didn’t realise I’d managed to get such a clear shot…

But the shots I am most proud of were of the band at the end of the gig:

And at the end, there’s always something sad about the empty stage….

Such a contrast to the start of the gig – even before the support band made their appearance:

But it was a good gig.  Would I see Magnum again?  Yes.  The fans are a good bunch, and whilst Magnum might not be fashionable, they put on a good show for those of us who do go, and are willing to sign things – even before they go on stage.

And that, to me is the real difference.  They care about their fans, and don’t make you feel like pond scum for asking for something as simple as an autograph.  The album won’t be sold – it was a gift to my partner, and it means an awful lot to the pair of us.

Ah well - guess I'd better call this quits - I'm falling asleep.

Back when I get chance.


You know we're lost on the road to eternity
Nobody's looking and nobody cares
You know we're lost on the road to eternity
Well there's no mercy, no magical prayer

Finally at the End Of the Road to Eternity.

I never expected signatures...!

The member of staff pulled out all the stops to get my beloved guardian angel's album signed....

Bob and Tony are true gentlemen - I cannot thank them enough for the signatures on the album, and to the staff member (you know who you are) - I owe you a huge thank you.


Somewhere on the Long Road to Eternity

Back on the Road to Eternity

Well, as Chase the Dragon was the album that introduced me to Magnum, I felt it was only appropriate to get my partner the limited edition version of the vinyl....

And yes - they are the genuine tickets for the gigs in Birmingham. I just hope that we can get it signed by Bob and Tony, as this will make a perfect anniversary present for my beloved.


Back on the Long Road to Eternity

Why should I pay to breathe??

Asthma UK is running a campaign to get the prescription charges dropped for those of us with asthma. Why should I pay to breathe??

Now if you have a thyroid issue, or are diabetic, or have cancer, you get free prescriptions. But, if like me, you have asthma, you pay.

Now I am not saying that those conditions are not life threatening - they are. But so is asthma. 

And I know that there will be people who say that asthma isn't that serious, and that the NHS had more important things to spend money on.

But if you have asthma, it's almost like playing Russian roulette - especially if you cannot afford the current prescription charge of £8.80 per damned item. 

I'm very lucky, as I *can* afford the charges, I also have a very supportive (and protective) partner, who makes sure that I have used my preventer inhaler, and that I am carrying my reliever inhaler, as well as having friends and family who keep an eye on me.

But not everyone is as lucky as I am. According to information from Asthma UK:

Asthma attacks hospitalise someone every 8 minutes; 185 people are admitted to hospital because of asthma attacks every day in the UK (a child is admitted to hospital every 20 minutes because of an asthma attack).

So I have just one question? How many more families will have to lose a loved one, before asthma sufferers like me have to stop paying to breathe?


The spirit that guides you follow it through
To the spirit inside you always be true
You know you'll despair
If the spirit inside is used without care