As we travelled up, the damage could be seen from the cable car.
Considering the force of the water that must have been flowing, the damage wasn’t as bad as I had expected, but there were still areas that were being repaired.
When we got to Monté, the area seemed undamaged, but I know from past experience that appearances can be deceiving, so Mum and I walked towards the other cable car station – the one that links Monté to the Botanical Garden.
That was when it really hit home just how ferocious the water must have been. The building that you used to purchase the tickets from was a ruin (albeit one that was being worked on) and a huge concrete culvert was being constructed to try and control the water.
Ah well, time to call this quits – my mobile is ringing.
Back later, if I get the chance.
Now some things you hold on to - and some you just let go
Seems like the ones that you can't have
Are the ones that you want most
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