Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Ouch - that hurts!

The title of the post sums up how I feel at the moment.  My back has been agony, and it’s all because I’ve had to change desks to cover holiday.  I’ve been to the chiropractor, and bless him – he’s been really good, but has said that he will need to treat me as a physiotherapist.

Which he did last night – using a heat lamp and massage.  I did mutter something about “if I smell cooking meat, you’re extinct” which made him laugh.  Glad someone found it funny. 

But, despite my bad temper, it has helped my lower back – now all I have is pain between my shoulder blades.  But at least I know what the problem is – it’s all down to my posture at this blasted desk. 

And to add insult to my injury? I’m spending an extra two days at the hated desk.  I wouldn’t object, but it’s not doing me any favours, and I know that come the weekend, my back will be wrecked again, meaning that I won’t be on top form for the weekend.  

Not what I want at all, but I guess these things are sent to try us.  But at the moment, all I will say is...

WHY ME????

Back when I’ve finished feeling sorry for myself (and more to the point, when I’ve finished my coffee!)


Dear idiot who joined the Darkside for cookies...
Just because we said we have them, didn't mean we're going to share them!