Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

Another podcast....

Listening to another podcast - this time it's the Piers Morgan show - Uncensored.

I know that Piers is a marmite character - you either love him or hate him, but I make no apologies for being one of those that love him as a journalist.  He starts the show with his defence of free speech - and this quote from Winston Churchill was one of the quotes that he used:

So we must beware of a tyranny of opinion which tries to make only one side of a question the one which may be heard. Everyone is in favour of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people’s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage.


Now onto the first show..  It was a block buster of a first interview..  With the former President of the United States - one Donald J. Trump.

Now I freely admit that I am *not* a fan of Trump. I think he was (and is) a repulsive, misogynistic racist bigot.  But I know that there are people who really like him, and would be overjoyed if he ran for the presidency again.

However, I will not dispute that he gives a good interview, and hits the nail on the head for several subjects - one of them being the so called Duke & Duchess of Netflix..  

Ah well, guess I'd better call this quits - I'm falling asleep.

Back when I am a bit more with it...


I must be sleepwalking
Can't believe that sweet talking
I must be sleepwalking
Can't believe that sweet talking

After the jab

As I write this, I am back at home, having had the spinal jab (or, to give it it's correct medical name Lumbar Radiculopathy).

Yes, it's as scary as the name, and the worst part (for me anyway) was the fact that it was done under local anesthetic.

It should take about 10 / 15 min for the jab...  Unless you're like me - are petrified of needles, have an awkward back, and an unfortunate tendency to breathe at the wrong time.  

Namely when the surgeon is asking for an X-Ray image to make sure the needle is in the right place. Because every time I decided to take a breath was just when the image was taken -  meaning my breathing blurred the image.  Whoops.

But that wasn't the worst part...  I felt really light headed (like I was going to pass out) and at the same time, managed to feel really queasy...  

Not really the best combination when the surgeon needs to make sure that he has got the needle in the right place for the jab.

The theatre staff were wonderful - they made sure that I didn't pass out, and managed to get me to relax enough to stop the queasy feeling.  And the best bit?  Being able to escape home the same day as the jab.  

I know this isn't a fix for the buggered disc - this jab was to stop the pain in my leg (hopefully stop the feeling of super heated barbed wire).  

Once the pain eases in my leg, I can move onto the physio, and hopefully start swimming again.  I know I will have to rebuild the distance that I swim (no aiming for 3k the first time back in the pool), but if this jab helps me get my life back, I will be more than happy. 

And no disrespect to the surgical & care teams - I really don't want to see them again.  One jab in my spine is more than enough for me.

Time to call this quits - my back is aching and I need to try and get some sleep.

Back when I feel less sleepy / bruised / loser in an ass kicking contest.


Hold on there's a new way a comin'
Looks like it's arriving tonight
There's no more hiding or running
There's no more walking on ice