Walking in the Shadows

Random musings from Warwickshire on life in general... Things that make me laugh, make me cry, things that wind me up beyond all endurance - and everything in between.

More Triffids

Those rare people who know me, know I absolutely love my carnivorous plants.  So, when I got a text from an old friend asking if I was at home today, I have to admit that I didn’t suspect a thing.  As I’m working from home at the moment due to my back injury, I wasn’t going anywhere – apart from the dining room to work.

So, when I was on lunch, the doorbell rang.  Now as I was expecting a delivery (from Amazon – my San Pellegrino Aranciata Rossa – a real treat) I thought it was that.  Only the box was the wrong shape.  It should have been flatter and larger – more like a crate than a true box shape.

It was only when I saw who the sender was, that I realised what it was.  It was from Wack’s Wicked Plants – a specialist carnivorous plant nursery.  So, I opened it with some wonder…  And it was two very well wrapped packages – with labels on the outside.

One was Sarracenia hybrid (Italian selection) Clone 5 (aka Golden Lime):

The other was Sarracenia oreophillia vigorous form:

Both of these are plants that have been on my wish list for quite a while. (Yes – I have a wish list for carnivorous plants), and have been keeping an eye on my wish list, so that I could see when these plants became available.

I seem to have the right growing conditions for these plants – I have quite a few outside at the moment (all of them being the big Sarracenias) as they are hardy in my local climate, and have done their bit to reduce the wasp population (I live in prime wasp habitat apparently!)

So, these two little gems have joined the clan:

And yes - these are outside.  They're in a growbag tray that I decided to use for my little monsters - standing in rain water.

Ah well, guess I should call this quits - my poor little phone is beeping with the usual battery warning...  

Back when I get chance.


The Moonking is waiting again
And maybe he'll welcome you in
To ride on a warm solar wind
Back where your dreams can begin
The Moonking is calling again
But never a sound to be heard
So up through a bright silver sky
Waiting but never deterred

Finally getting somewhere

At last.  I have a date for an MRI scan on my back…  Only 5 months after I’ve suffered the injury.  And to add insult to injury I have been given a physiotherapy appointment the end of November.  Which is pretty good going – but I just hope that they (the physio department) has the scan results…  Otherwise they won’t know what the hell they are treating me for, and it’s another waste of time and money.  I get the impression that the NHS trust was hoping that I would call them and say that I don’t need the scan (or the physio), as my back has improved.  

I flaming wish.  I’m in as much pain as I was when I suffered the injury and have not been able to do what I want in the garden, and more to the point – I still can’t drive.  And it’s this point that is causing mayhem.  I’m having to rely on other people (especially my family) to take me to different places – a trip to the local supermarket is now exotic, and something to really look forward to.

As for going anywhere else?  No chance.  I can’t blasted sit in the car long enough without pain, so escaping anywhere too far from home is a non-starter for me at the moment.

So as you can tell, I am not feeling terribly happy at the moment.

Time to call this quits – my phone is making pathetic little beeping noises, so I guess I should put it on charge.

Back whenever.


How can you feel at ease?
Look at the things you’ve done
You always will deceive
But then your day will come

Diagnosing an injury.... Over the telephone.

I know that things are different in these COVID19 times, but honestly - what idiot tries to diagnose a back injury - over the telephone.

My local hospital trust - that's who.  I had a telephone "consultation" on Tuesday.  Which basically wasted 30 minutes of my time, as the person who called me was following a script, and my answers kept throwing the call.

"So your right shin is numb"

"No - it's the left shin.  The pain is in the right side of my lower back, but my left leg has been affected"

"So your right leg keeps giving way?"

"No.  My LEFT leg keeps trying to give way".

I honestly felt like the person on the end of the phone wasn't listening to me (or more to the point was following a script which I kept messing up.)  The final straw was being asked what I wanted to happen.  

What the hell???  What I want to happen is to get someone to look at my back, say "oh - you've done this / that and this is what you need to get back to a normal life".

Needless to say that was pretty much what I said - I pointed out that I wanted to know what the hell I have done to my back, and what I have to do to get my life back to where it was before this happened.  

I can't drive (which is really pissing me off, and means that I am having to rely on Mum to take me anywhere - a trip to the local supermarket is now a real treat!)  I can't do all the things that I took for granted - like sorting the garden out, and planting the spring bulbs that I still have to go in, not to mention jumping in the car and going off to meet up with my friends / heading into work.

Now comes the insult to injury.  I have a face to face meeting with someone at the hospital...  25th November.  And then I will have to wait and see what they decide to do.  Which, considering I suffered this injury 6th June is diabolical - and my GP referred me to the muscular skeletal department the middle of July.

So, all I can do is keep doing the little bit of physio that I can, and keep taking the pain killers.  

Time to call this quits - my phone is beeping at me - means I need to charge the dratted thing.

Back when I can..


I gave no thought to wisdom
It all but vanished in the haze
This fragile hand of fortune
Had changed and turned it all to grey